Mr. siwek

physical education

Curriculum Night 2024.mp4


Week of ...11/4

Hello everyone! This week we will continue hockey. Younger students will be doing Hand Hockey while older students will do a combo of Hand Hockey and Floor Hockey. Most classes will only have PE one day this week due to the day off Friday and the play on Thursday. 

7th Grade Religion:

Religion Project

Create a project about your favorite saint. You should talk about their life as well as what they mean to you. 

Your project should consist of 5-10 slides and include:

This project is due Friday, November 15 and is worth 50 points. 



Do the slides have pictures, different colors, etc

10 points


What kind of information is present, can we get a snapshot of the saint based on your slides

20 points


Does the project show how your saint connects to you in your life as well as today’s day and age. 

20 points (Would You Rather) (There's a new one almost every day! ) (Move to Learn. Find the age-level-appropriate videos. There's elementary and middle-school)

Past Assignments

paste past assignments here